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Jeep® Heritage | 1953 Jeep Willys CJ-3B

1953 1964 CJ 3B Universal Jp 494x397 Jeep® Heritage | 1953 Jeep Willys CJ 3B  heritage photo
1953 Jeep Willys CJ-3B "Universal"

Each Friday on the Jeep® Blog, we explore the Jeep brand’s iconic heritage by highlighting a different historical vehicle. This week’s vehicle is the 1953 Jeep Willys CJ-3B.

1953 was a big year in Jeep vehicle history, as the Kaiser-Frazer Corporation bought Willys-Overland and changed its name to Willys Motors. Beyond the change in control (and name), the Jeep Willys CJ-3B “Universal” was introduced.

The defining features of the CJ-3B were twofold (but related). In replacing the CJ-3A (manufactured from 1949 to 1953), the CJ-3B adopted the more powerful F4-134 “Hurricane” inline-4 piston engine that Jeep Willys Pickup Trucks and Jeep Willys Wagons already used. As a result, the CJ-3B features a noticeably higher hood and grille to accommodate the larger engine.

Manufactured until 1963, the Jeep Willys CJ-3B represents another important step in transitioning the brand and vehicles into postwar American civilian life. Still ultra-capable like the military models, the CJ-3B was a progression of vehicle power and fuel efficiency, which remain core to the Jeep brand to this day.

Keep following the Jeep Blog for Heritage Fridays as we dig into the Jeep brand’s iconic history, including more about vehicles from the 1950s.

Three new AT&T Samsung smartphones announced today

AT&T Samsung
Looking for a new Samsung smartphone from AT&T? There is certainly no shortage of options, especially with AT&T’s announcement that they are now adding three new Samsung phones and one new tablet to their line-up.
The first of these devices is the Samsung Galaxy Note 2, which they have already announced before. Next, we have the Galaxy Express. This is a brand new entry-level smartphone, though it actually has reasonably good specs for a lower-end phone. The Express features a 4.5-inch super AMOLED Plus display, a dual-core 1.5GHz processor and runs on Android 4.0 ICS. The third phone is the Galaxy Rugby Pro, a refresh of the Rugby Smart. The new version has a 4-inch display and is designed to be waterproof and extremely tough, built to military specifications.
Last but certainly not least, AT&T is adding the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 10.1 to its line-up. The 10-inch Android tablet is essentially the same as the first-generation Tab 10.1 with a few minor revisions and changes to the design.
When are the new AT&T Samsung offerings shipping? For the moment we have no actual release dates or pricing information. AT&T simply states that the new Samsung devices will arrive “in the coming months.”
Check out the press release below for more information. Are you excited to get your hands on one of these newly announced devices?

wHy bloggers are working?

"The white light proceeds from there, and lights all the way through the society"

We are working together to make the world a better place. So, it basically means that your contributions and criticisms are required for the success of this quest for knowledge.

Google Company


Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin met at Stanford University in 1995. By 1996, they had built a search engine (initially called BackRub) that used links to determine the importance of individual webpages.
Larry and Sergey named the search engine they built “Google,” a play on the word “googol,” the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros. Google Inc. was born in 1998, when Sun co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim wrote a check for $100,000 to that entity—which until then didn’t exist.
The first “Google doodle” in 1998 was intended to let visitors to the homepage know that Google’s minders were offline at the Burning Man Festival in Nevada. There’s now a team of “doodlers” and we’ve posted more than 1,000 different doodles on homepages worldwide. 

In 2000, we introduced AdWords, a self-service program for creating online ad campaigns. Today our advertising solutions, which include display, mobile and video ads as well as the simple text ads we introduced more than a decade ago, help thousands of businesses grow and be successful.
On April Fools' Day in 2004, we launched Gmail. Our approach to email included features like speedy search, huge amounts of storage and threaded messages.
Our Initial Public Offering of 19,605,052 shares of Class A common stock took place on Wall Street on August 18, 2004.
We acquired digital mapping company Keyhole in 2004, and launched Google Maps and Google Earth in 2005. Today Maps also features live traffic, transit directions and street-level imagery, and Earth lets you explore the ocean and the moon.
In 2006, we acquired online video sharing site YouTube. Today 60 hours of video are uploaded to the site every minute. Cat videos, citizen journalism, political candidacy and double rainbows have never been the same.
Amidst rumors of a “Gphone,” we announced Android—an open platform for mobile devices—and the Open Handset Alliance, in 2007.
Word got out about Google Chrome a day ahead of schedule when a comic book introducing our new open source browser was shipped earlier than planned. We officially launched on September 2, 2008.
Larry Page, Google’s original CEO until 2001, took up the title again in April 2011. Eric Schmidt, now our executive chairman, served in the role for 10 years.
In June 2011, we introduced the Google+ project, aimed at bringing the nuance and richness of real-life sharing to the web, and making all of Google better by including people, their relationships and their interests. 

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Special Post: How to Add Favicons to Blogger Blogs?

Here is a special blog post for you. Since two days ago, you may be seeing the new tiny icon appearing on the address bar of your browser when you load this blog. This icon is known as favorite icon or favicon. This is a distinguishing feature of almost every website.
While it is very easy to add a favicon into self-hosted blogs, it is not so in case of free hosts like Blogspot blogs. The procedure is entirely different. In Blogger, you have access only to the blog layout and no file upload features. In this case, adding a favicon to your Blogspot blog requires a workaround. Here is the step-by-step procedure for that.

  1. Create Your Own Favicon
The first step of adding the favicon is creating your own unique favicon file. The favicon is a very small icon file with ‘.ico’ extension. Use one of these online services to create your favicon:

You can either upload an image file (in JPG, PNG, or GIF) and get it converted to a favicon or draw your own favicon. 

My favicon was drawn, with a clear concept (see below) with the service from:

I loved their paintbrush interface to draw colors into the square columns.
  1. Upload the Icon File
Once you have your favicon ready, upload it to a web location, from where it can be accessed by Blogger. Remember, icon file is a small image file with ‘.ico’ extension. But, it cannot be uploaded to Flickr as an image. It is worthless to upload to Rapidshare or any such file sharing systems. So, what I did was create a free webpage with Googlepages, and upload the file there.
For that, you have to sign up in Googlepages and create a free web space there (here is my site: In this account, you have the privilege to upload any sort of files as in self-hosted blogs. Here is the screenshot of the file upload feature.

Screenshot of favicon upload
  1. Add This Script to Your Blog
As the third step, in your Blogger profile, go to layout and click ‘Edit HTML’. Then, just add the following code after your code’s title tag:
<link href='Your Icon URL' rel='shortcut icon'type='image/'/>
On adding this script, please replace the Your Icon URL with the correct URL of your favicon.
Once you have this script ready, save the template and check the website, your favicon should be loading fine.
I tested my site with Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Opera. In all, the favicon is showing just fine. In case of IE, the favicon load time (for CuteWriting) is rather long, but it is only a special case. In case of IE engine loaded within Firefox, the favicon doesn’t work for any website.
Thanks to Tips for new bloggers article, which formed the basis of this tutorial.
About My Favicon
As you see, my favicon consists of four colors on a black background. It is meant as a symbol of cooperation to spread the light of knowledge. Materialistically, it is the confluence of the basic colors, blue, green, and red to form white.
Now let’s get to its envisioned meaning. Blue emanating from the bottom represents my this blog, CuteWriting. It is a contribution to the good of the society. The green from the side is the general acceptance to the blog—my readers who support me. The red from above is the healthy criticism I receive (intended to be coming against blue). All these three colors congregate to form the white line, which is the bright light of wisdom and knowledge.
The white light proceeds from there, and lights all the way through the society. 
We are working together to make the world a better place. So, it basically means that your contributions and criticisms are required for the success of this quest for knowledge.

Some Creative Writing Thoughts: Style, Diligence, Boldness, and Research

Creative writing is the focus of CuteWriting, mainly. Besides that, it covers grammar, punctuation, writing style, language, literature, and fiction. To be a good writer, unleashing your creativity is very important. The fact that novels are not as popular as other media like films should not disappoint writers. It is the craft one is born with that one should care for. If you are a born actor, you may become a star; if you have singing talent, you may become a singer; and if you have writing talent, you may become a writer.
Writing Style
In order to hone your writing skills, you should fine-tune your inner voice (precursor to your own writing style). In On Writing, Stephen King mentions that one’s writing style is usually not inborn, but acquired. One continuously works on his style and builds up his unique.
For this, many great writers suggest reading a lot. When you read other writers, you will naturally build a knack to write like them. This is the first step of development. Some months ago, I read novels by Robert Louie Stevenson. His writing so influenced me that I decided that my writing should be like his. Later, when I read Charles Dickens, I began writing long, complex sentences typical of his Victorian era.
You will naturally develop your style, which you may or may not deem as your own. But most probably it may not be your own style (as exactly in my example above). In such case, write more and more in that style; experiment a lot with it; blend it with other writers’ styles; and finally you will get your desired, most comfortable, original style (Remember: There is nothing new under the sun!)
What Really is This Style Thing?
Though everyone speaks about writing styles, it is difficult to define it perfectly. It is an attribute of one’s writing that spans over many different facets of his writing, both linguistic and intellectual. Its scope is very broad, incorporating everything—it is related to the length and complexity of sentences one uses, the patterns of grammar, sentence structure, etc., as well as how sensual one’s narrations are.
For instance, some writers avoid the Oxford Comma, and it’s their style. Stephen King targets the readers’ senses exceptionally well, and that’s his style. Jeffrey Archer has a very flowing continuity in his writing; it is his style. Ernest Hemingway was known for beginning his sentences with ‘and’, and that’s his style. Dean Koontz has many dog characters in his works, and that’s his style. The point is that the style is determined more by the uniqueness of a writer than any generally accepted standards. When you realize your own traits, it will collectively form your style.
Know Your Audience
In my previous post, “The main reason your writing fails,” I mentioned that you couldn’t satisfy everyone. You cannot write for all people, but for a select few.
The first mistake of a budding writer is trying to target people from every age group and race. Wasting time trying to make your plot and characters more and more garish, incorporating all technologies and locations known to man, you will eventually create a very unrealistic, unsuccessful story. So, other than expanding your scope, work on a simpler, comprehensible one, targeting a minimal audience. To understand this better, consider experts. You will find that the highest-paid professionals are experts in a particular, highly specialized field. They are not Jacks-Of-All-Trades.
When I write this, what comes to my mind is a famous quote from Sherlock Holmes himself, from his first novel, A Study in Scarlet. He mentions, “Now that I do know it I shall do my best to forget it.” He remarks about the Solar system, about which he had no knowledge. He is a great expert in detecting crime, but he knows nothing outside that and never wants to. It’s your proof. Concentrate on what you can do best, and leave every other thing to corresponding experts.
Jacks-of-all-trades are found to fail in real life. Acute knowledge in one realm pays more than blunt knowledge in a dozen.
So, on your first novel, concentrate on a simple character and a simple plot. Never try to tread unfamiliar waters. For instance, if you are from a remote location in Iraq and you are writing the story in English of an Iraqi girl suffering in the US attacks on Iraq, then it will be well-received by other Iraqis as well as good natured people from English-speaking countries. The reason why this happens is that the scope of the novel is very limited. Tiny.
On the other hand, imagine a woman who is an expert in karate and kung-fu, works in the top intelligence agency in the world, and courts fifteen people. Thrust in half a dozen other characters from various age groups and races. This sort of work makes you look more an amateur than a professional. New authors make this mistake to look professional, without realizing that professionalism is synonymous with subtlety and they are attempting quite the opposite, grandiosity.
The scope is widespread when we have to describe too many characters, too many scenes, and too many different locations. In such a case, pulling the story off successful is an extremely difficult job, and a newcomer is most likely to fail. All aspects of small things work better than small aspects of all things.
Importance of Research
When you write for the first time, the audience tends to be too finicky. Critics will tell you off for tiniest things. It is part of social psychology: People don’t like newcomers in any field. Look, for instance, at the novel by Dan Brown, The Da Vinci Code, which tasted enormous success. So many books and articles followed describing tiniest aspects in which Brown erred.
But, by doing meticulous research you can pull off extremely well. Sidney Sheldon writes about various places, various cities across the world, various foodstuffs, and various ways of chasing the protagonist. In all cases, his research is flawless. He once mentioned that he never wrote about anything he didn’t taste or eat. On one occasion, he asked his driver, where a good location to dump a body would be. That was part of his research, and in his interview, he reminisced the look on the face of that driver.
Sheldon is a man of meticulous research, and his stories are successful because of this.
As another example, check out The Day of the Jackal by Frederick Forsyth. It is an epitome to in-depth research. Its scope is very limited: About an assassin (codenamed Jackal) that does a meticulous preparation to eliminate the French president and how an intelligence officer tracks him down (I will not spoil its suspenseful ending for you). The major facet of this story is its in-depth research. Each point, from the location where a disguise could be achieved to the weight of the bullet of a particular gun was researched with extreme care. Forsyth is known for his research.
Another major example of the success of research is Tom Clancy’s famous Jack Ryan thriller, The Hunt for Red October. It is a story based in a submarine, and Clancy had never set foot on one.
These examples tell you one thing clearly: Research is extremely important for fiction. In his first guest post in this blog, Some Thoughts on Revising a Novel, my friend and published writer, Edward Patterson mentioned about his research for one of his novels. He read a cookbook and spent many hours cooking a Tuscan dish; he worked for about a month on that for preparing two paragraphs in his novel. This sort of dedication is rarely seen among newcomers. It is such dedication that makes successful writers.
Writing What You Know
Stephen King mainly wrote stories based in Maine or Portland, his birthplace. And many of his stories are based in Castle Rock, a fictitious town in Maine. He limits himself to the area he is most familiar with and treads unfamiliar territories only occasionally. Look at the example of John Grisham. He himself is a lawyer, and he wrote only legal thrillers—a very comfortable playground for him. Another example is very famous Indo-Anglican writer, R K Narayan, he created his own fictitious Indian town, Malgudi, for his novels. Arundhati Roy’s Booker prize winner novel, God of Small Things is set in a small South Indian town in Kerala (my own province).
Many writers are very diffident to go outside their realms and write bold stories based in a different country with the flavor of a different tradition. But if you do in depth research, such stories can be made immensely successful.
Internet for Your Research

Researching for novels was not that easy at the time when Fred Forsyth wrote his Jackal story, Tom Clancy wrote his works, or Ian Fleming imagined such advanced technologies as described in his James Bond series. Look at French writer, Jules Vern, one of the most famous Science Fiction writers of nineteenth century and a master of imagination. Years before such things happened, he imagined airplanes and traveling to the center of the earth. He thus pioneered the SF genre when no one else dared even touch it. That’s imagination at work. In case of fantasy and SF, imagination works the best (and research doesn’t matter much); the best example is Douglas Adams’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, which is one of my most favorite books.
But now you have one of the greatest means for doing research, an invention that stands shoulder to shoulder with that of dynamo, electricity, or radio waves—Internet. Use it to your maximum to do research. From sites like Wikipedia, you can get answer to virtually all questions. Use Yahoo Answers, Wiki Answers, etc., and ask questions on anything you can’t find; knowledgeable users will promptly answer them for you. Use social networking tools like Facebook to mingle with people from different countries and get to know their ways and customs.
Today, research doesn’t demand you go out of your living room. Sit, read, and social-network, and you can get complete research done for a full novel. The era of running around interviewing doctors, librarians, professors, soldiers, police officers, etc., is long gone.
Writing Requires Diligence
In my last post on creative writing (character and plot development), I had mentioned the importance of diligence. Writing is a very tiring job, and most of the time you may feel uninspired. The reason may be a negative comment you received on an old story or the failure of your most beloved, most thoroughly researched, and most looked-forward-to story. There is only one answer to this. Sidney Sheldon himself gives it: “Don't listen to people who try to discourage you. No one can stop you but yourself.”
Some people may call writing a highly inspiring job, but it is a fact that it can be extremely demanding. The image that comes into my mind is one from a Stephen King novel, Salem’s Lot. In this, the protagonist is a novelist and he is described sitting for hours in the night tapping away relentlessly on his typewriter (his passion to writing is clear from this). He is too interested in writing to stop it. King mentioned in one article that people love to discuss about their work, and it is true in his very case. He loves to talk about his work, and you will find at least a short story writer in every King novel.
But, writing may not be as appealing to all people as it may be to King. For me, it is an extremely tiring job, because of my passion to perfect my writing. When I find flaws in my fiction, I get worried. In case of non-fiction, this is not a major issue. Fiction research tires you mainly because you have no idea where you are going with it. In case of non-fiction, you have a clear idea of what you are writing, but in fiction, you get to know the plot as you write it.
Before you take up writing as a profession, you should be willing to show discipline, hard work, and courage (a lot of courage). Writing is an extreme mental exertion and can tire you more than any other job, intellectual or physical. So, if you are fit enough and have a driving passion, tighten your belt and jump hard and strong into this highly rewarding field.
How to Shut Your Critics’ Mouths
I remember an article from Isaac Asimov, a famous SF writer. Some reviewers criticized Asimov’s way of writing as full of stilted dialogs, clumsy style, and non-existent characterization. Asimov mentioned this review in his short story collection, Gold. To counter his bad critics and shut their mouth, Asimov wrote a full-length article describing his writing style. His point was that what people described as his flaw was actually intentional, and he described the various reasons for that. His way of mounting the tension was antagonistic dialogs between his characters.
Asimov was a highly successful fiction writer, one of the most famous Science Fiction writers of our time.
My tip to you, writers, is this (from Asimov’s technique to shut his critics): Always be prepared to explain your actions. When someone with authority asks you why you did something, you should be able to explain it clearly. Do anything you want, create any sort of characters, any kind of viewpoints or situation, and include any sort of dialogs, but your explanation should be strong enough to shut the critics’ mouths.
Million people can discourage you, but only one man can work positively for you, and that is YOU!
Tail Piece: Dear readers, this article is rather long and took too much time to prepare. If any grammatical flaws encroached, please let me know (let me remind you, I can be a very bad editor). Also, don’t forget to voice your comments.

How to Make Your Blog Posts Look More Professional?

Here are some ways you can look the most professional on your blog posts. A blog’s look and feel is mainly in its articles, the content. So, make your blog’s content follow a professional code of typography to make it look stunning.

The Title Capitalization

One thing that you can look most unprofessional is by not adopting a proper capitalization to your titles. If you look at the article titles in CuteWriting, you know that each important word in the title is capitalized. This is a guideline to follow.

“How to prepare chicken 65” is a worse title than “How to Prepare Chicken 65?”.

Here, you should follow a general code. I capitalize all important words on the title, which excludes articles and two-letter prepositions. However, I capitalize words like ‘Is’, ‘Are’ etc. I don’t capitalize ‘and’ while I do ‘Not’. While these guidelines are different for different people, it is advisable that you set a standard for your blog and follow it strictly.


How Not to Prepare a Good Meal?
Why Is Wikipedia Successful?

Title Punctuation

Another area most amateur writers fail is the proper punctuation of the title. Some believe that there is no need for a question mark when the title represents a question, merely because it is a title. No, you have to have a question mark or any other punctuation wherever appropriate on the title. It should be punctuated just as a normal sentence.

However, when the title is a sentence and requires a period at the end of it, it is advisable that you skip it. It is the only place this guideline differs. If the end punctuation is a question mark, exclamation mark, etc., we use it, but not a period.


Is It Good to Start a Business Now?
Knol: Google’s Wikipedia!
Another Bad Incident, Truth in Danger?
Tom Cruise’s Latest Film is a Hit (A sentence, but the period is avoided).


In your subtitles also, a code of typography should be followed. They should be as well formatted and capitalized as the main title, and should be correctly punctuated. The size of the font in subtitles should be slightly larger than the content. Also, you can have sub-subtitles, with smaller font sizes.

Text Font and Size

Font choice is a most important decision in article preparation. The font I recommend and use is Verdana, 10 pt. Other fonts like Times New Roman, 13/14pt, Georgia 12pt, Century 12pt, Arial 12 pt, etc., are good ones as well. It is recommended that you avoid fancy fonts like Comic Sans.

A good font size is also important. Implement the facility to enlarge and reduce font sizes as in professional publications.

Grammar and Punctuation

I needn’t tell you that your articles should be perfect in terms of grammar and punctuation. Blog posts are no different. Simply because there is only you and no one else to edit doesn’t mean that you can make mistakes. Edit your articles properly and avoid mistakes.

Two days ago, an anonymous user of CuteWriting pointed me to one of my posts that contained a terrible grammar gaffe. I edited it out. Blog posts are easily prone to grammar errors. Your word processor may not always spot these errors. So, it is best that you double-check your posts before publishing.

Alignment and Formatting of Text

The text should be formatted according to the general Web formatting guidelines. This means, you have to left-justify all articles. The paragraphs should not be indented as in tangible published books. The paragraphs should be separated with a blank line in between.

Images and Videos

Images and videos should be placed according to the formatting of the text. I usually place an important image, that appears before text, floated to the left, so that the text begins at the top beside the image. Any other image within the text are centered with text above and below it. If you have image labels and titles, make sure you include them and it is good to change the image caption’s font size.

Videos also should take the same guidelines

Tables Within the Posts

Tables should be centered and aligned properly within the blog posts.

Article Readability

If you read some articles within CuteWriting, you see that most of them have text portions highlighted in bold. This is to ensure that my readers will be able to skim through the blog posts. This way they can get to the core of the posts, without reading the entire article.

Introduction and Conclusion

These are important for each post, no matter what it is about. I include an introductory paragraph, which may not explicitly be labeled ‘Introduction’. And usually there will be a concluding paragraph, which may be usually ‘Conclusion’. It is a very good thing to follow.


Though these guidelines are in order, I suppose implementing your unique style is the best thing to do. So, create a code of professionalism for your blog and stick to it.