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Hide !Your Name From Facebook

You may decide you would rather use Facebook to comunicate with just a few close family members and friends. You perhaps don’t use Facebook very often but its a great way to stay in touch. However….you DON’T want some old boyfriend or girlfriend from high school looking you up, asking to friend you, and then you having to awkwardly refuse, as you really don’t want your weekend exploits to reach that far, and really… you NEVER want to talk with him/her again….ok! so he/she dumped you for your best friend….WE GET IT!
Or maybe you have younger teens, who use Facebook to connect with relatives and a few family friends they don’t see very often, and again you don’t really want your kids to be advertised all over Facebook….how do you hide your name on Facebook?
There is a little known, and hidden… in a weird place…(yup thats facebook!) box you can untick which hides your name from being able to be searched and found on Facebook. Be sure, as a precaution, to have “Friends Only” or “Me Only” ticked for every other option on your privacy settings first.
Go down the bottom of your privacy settings (under Account top right of your F.B page) page to “Apps and Web” click to open.

Then un-tick “Enable Public Search” and close

You should now be hidden from a public search from anyone that is not listed and approved as your friend on Facebook!
Why is this so hard to find? well I guess its not conducive to the way Facebook wants to run things. They want you to be FOUND! but you do have the option to use the service in the way you wish to and privately. I hope you found this useful


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