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How to write perfect blog post Title ? - Title Writing Tips

While there will usually only be a handful of words in your post title – they are the most powerful words that you’ll write because for most of your readers the decision as to whether to read the rest of your post rests upon them.
PhOtO CrediTs :- GuRi

Why Blog Post Titles Matter?

Blog post titles appear in:
  • Search engine results
  • RSS feeds
  • Links from other bloggers
  • Social media sites
  • On your archive pages (depending upon how you format them)

In each of these occassions the title can be the only thing that people see and the sole thing that people make the decision to visit your post on. Write a boring, complicated or confusing title and it doesn’t matter what you’ve written in the post – very few people will ever read it.

Title is just like a door for success of the blog post. Every title can play the 50%  role in creating a successful blog post if it is written intelligently by applying these title writing tips which most successful bloggers follow.
Titles of the posts are just like the head lights or front look of cars, When A car comes to you then you make your first view after watching its head light or front look only.
Just like this When you read the title of the blog post first time, then it strikes your mind that the rest content of the post is valuable or not ?? So the Perfect title writing tips make your post worth able to make first image better.
Yes… It’s the thing I want to say all the bloggers to clearly know the all importance of the way in which you have created title of your blog posts. Brilliant bloggers always follow perfect title writing tips given by my kind of logical bloggers.
If you did lot of work to write valuable Fresh content in your blog post and If you are not applying perfect title writing tips at the time of creating titles then your content will not give you that result which you desire from it…
Don’t Worry about It… Read the title writing tips below which I apply in my blog and you should also follow…

Perfect Title Writing Tips for readers and Search Engines

To Know best title writing tips which attracts the readers as well as the search engines both equally follow the step by step guide below.
1 – I would like to suggest you to make 2 parts of the title, first half must focus the search engines and second half must be focused for the readers. Watch the Image Below…
Description of the Image – In The above image title contains two parts..
First half part for Search Engine SIMPLE WAYS TO IMPROVE GOOGLE PAGE RANK
Second Half part for Readers attention (desciption) – Page Rank factor and its importance to a blog. 
2 - You Must use long tail keywords in the first half of the title , this title writing tips increase the possibility of higher search engine ranking for multiple keywords.
Example – In the above image Long Tail Keyword is – Ways to improve google pagerank
3 - You can use numbers in starting of Title this brings readers attention more.
In this we have used 12 number two describe the readers about exact numbers of blogging mistakes.
4 - Do not mention any year in the title, By following this perfect title writing tips in your titles of the post definitely your title will never become old in eyes of the readers.
To make complete success of your written content in your blog posts you have to work smartly on your titles to make it attractive for both search engines and readers by following above mentioned perfect title writing tips regularly. I also apply these title writing tips for my blog posts.
If you Know some more tips for writing perfect titles, Then Feel Free to share below in comments…Thanks.

How to Select Most Profitable Affiliate products?

 Selection of the most profitable affiliates can give affiliate marketers a huge success. If bloggers or affiliate marketers have the right idea to choose the most profitable affiliate programs then earning money from the blog or websites becomes easier.
Most of the time after hearing about the high earning story of successful affiliate marketers, every new marketer start applying the same way and choose the same affiliate programs which they chosen, but by doing the same thing they don’t get good success, It may be possible they got some dollars in starting and but this will not be satisfactory for them.
When ever affiliate marketers chose any wrong affiliate program then after doing lot of efforts they don’t get positive results. It is very necessary for the affiliate marketers to select right and most profitable affiliates programs for their blogs or websites.
PhOtO crediTs :- GuRi

How to Select Most Profitable Affiliate?

Here we are going to guide every new affiliate marketers how to select most profitable affiliate products to start affiliate marketing and to get high earnings by doing a very less work with same traffic on your blogs or websites.

Read Carefully…. What things make the products most profitable & perfect to choose and use.
1 – Avoid Traditional & Try New
Every new affiliate marketers follows the foot prints of the old successful marketers and apply same technique with lettle bit modifications and always join traditional affiliate programs and start promoting them.
Finally result comes with very less or no success in terms of ROI ( return on investment ).
Solution – Affiliate marketer must search new products or programs, I observe most of the bloggers including me are always interested in using new products with some upgradation as compare to old products.
Example – There is very good craze among the  bloggers to use new wordpress plugins and premium wordpress themes to increase the performance of their blogs.
Read – Make Money By Blogging Quickly
2 – Products with High Commission
To earn more from same traffic and same sales statistics, It is very wise decision of the affiliate marketers or bloggers to search the high comission paying affiliate products to earn more with their same efforts.
But it also one thing to consider that your chosen affiliate products should not have very high price as compare to other competitors otherwise users will not buy it.
Solution – Bring list of top 5  products with same price in your selected niche and compare which one is giving you high commision on each sale.
3 – Choose Products which are in Use regularly
It is the very great symptom of most profitable affiliate products, they always in use of certain time interval and joining their affiliate programs gives a good income for marketers.
Now, there is one question in your mind…..
If we choose affiliate programs of the products which is in use regularly… then
why buyer always purchase it by clicking on my affiliate links ??
Answer - Give them some coupon code with high discount, Most of the affiliate programs gives the facility to their affiliate marketers to give some discount to the buyers by reducing their own commission from that product.

List of Most Profitable affiliate Products 

  • Beauty Products
  • Web Hotings
  • WordPress plugins
  • Premium WordPress themes
  • Pen Drives & Mobile Phones
  • Clothes & Accessories
  • Travel & Tour Packages
  • SEO Services like social bookmarking
4 – Two Tier Affiliate Programs
Products which are available with two tier affiliate programs gives earnings not only for your direct work you have done but on work of your referers also.
5 – Products with Forever Commission
I always in search of those kind of affiliate programs which commision on every renew of it. In this way by making a single sale you will be able to earn for a long time till the product in use for the buyers.
To Select the Most Profitable affiliates, every new affiliate marketer must follow the above tips. And by chosing the Most profitable affiliate programs make them able to earn lot by their affiliate marketing business. Thanks.

Staying Safe On Social Networking Sites

The popularity of social networking sites -- such as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and others -- has expanded tremendously in recent years, with nearly two-thirds of Americans using these sites regularly. The number of adult Internet users having a social networking profile has more than quadrupled in the past five years, according the Pew Internet and American Life Project. The sites are becoming more ubiquitous for both personal and professional activities. The sites also continue to serve as prime targets for malware distribution and scams. A recent study reported that 91% of respondents have received spam and 54% were targets of phishing attacks on social networking sites. While there has been increased attention to addressing security concerns relating to social networking sites, you need to remain vigilant and take the necessary precautions when using them has never been greater.

What are the security concerns of social networking sites?
Social networking sites continue to grow in popularity as attack vectors because of the volume of users and the amount of personal information that is posted. The nature of social networking sites encourages you to post personal information. The perceived anonymity and false sense of security of the Internet may cause users to provide more information about themselves and their life online than they would to a stranger in person.
The information you post online could be used by those with malicious intent to conduct social engineering scams and attempt to steal your identity for access to your financial data. For example, many individuals are tempted to click on a video they see on a friend's page. Unfortunately, these videos may lead to a malicious website. When you access a site that has malicious code, your machine could become infected.
What can I do to be safe?
  • Keep your system updated: Ensure that any computer you use to connect to a social networking site has proper security measures in place, including anti-virus and anti-spyware software, and a firewall. Make sure you keep them up-to-date. Keep your operating system updated and patched. Set the configuration to "auto update" so patches can be applied automatically without intervention.
  • Use strong passwords: Protect your social networking account with a strong password. Do not share this password with anyone or use it for other sites. In addition, some social networking sites support features for stronger authentication, such as using one-time passwords when logging in from public computers or using your phone as part of the login process. Enable these features where possible. It is critical that passwords used on social networking sites not be used on other sites.
  • Links: Be cautious when clicking on links. If a link seems odd, suspicious, or too good to be true, do not click on it...even if the link is on your most trusted friend's page. Your friend's account may have been hijacked or infected and now be spreading malware.
  • Scams: Criminals take advantage of the open nature of social networking sites to defraud individuals. Such scams sometimes use the pretext of an offer for a job or money. Another common scam uses hijacked accounts to contact the victim's friends with requests for help, claiming that the person was robbed in foreign country and needs money. Be cautious when contacted on a social networking site with a request for money or with an offer that's surprisingly good.
  • Privacy: Do not assume privacy on social networking sites. For both business and personal use, confidential information should not be shared. You should only post information you are comfortable disclosing to a complete stranger. Review a site's privacy policy. Some sites may share information such as email addresses or user preferences with other parties. If a site's privacy policy is vague or does not properly protect your information, do not use the site.
  • Personal Information: Do not respond to an email requesting personal information or that ask you to "verify your information" or to "confirm your user-id and password."
  • Be cautious about installing applications: Some social networking sites provide the ability to add or install third party applications, such as games. Keep in mind there is little or no quality control or review of these applications and they may have full access to your account and the data you share. Malicious applications can use this access to interact with your friends on your behalf and to steal and misuse personal data. Only install applications that come from trusted, well-known sites. If you are no longer using the app, remove it. Also, please note that installing some applications may modify your security and privacy settings.

Features of New Facebook News Feed

Some new and unique features of New Facebook News Feed.  The social networking arena has been vibrant in growth and expansion, the number of social media platforms is on the rise same to the number of accounts in those media platforms. With numbers come competition and a redefinition of features and emphasis on USP (Unique Selling Point) is necessary to remain afloat.
New Facebook News Feed
Facebook is one of the most prominent and extensive social networking sites linking millions of people across the globe. While redesigning its features, Facebook has introduced some New Facebook News Feed Features. Though these New Facebook News Feed features are still evolving even today, it is not too early to get used to them and how we can maneuver our way round.

How to Get the New Facebook News Feed

Facebook to bolster its viewership and membership has come up with the new Facebook News Feed. The accessibility, the bigger size of photos and the flexibility with both web and mobile platforms is one of the merits of this new product.
To access new Facebook News Feed, it is simple and it involves the Signing up to Facebook and visiting the link This will put you in a waiting list awaiting the process of getting Facebook News Feed which takes a few days.

Features of New Facebook News Feed

The focal point of this new product is to increase the rate of social interactivity with friends, professionals and brands.  The implementation of this product however will be done gradually with the main aim of fixing teething errors and bugs while making necessary improvements before an official release to the public. Some of the captivating features of this new Facebook News Feed product are -

Also See :- Best Platform for Blog Promotion Google Plus

New Facebook News Feed 6

1) All Friends

This section gives the user the opportunity to see everything that they are sharing. Should there be any status update, music shared amongst friends and check-ins these will be shown in this section.

2) Following

This feature of new Facebook News Feed will give you the opportunity to see posts of people and any brands that you are following. This feed does not allow you to see what your friends are up to and their updates.
 New Facebook News Feed 1

3) Photos

The photos shared by fan pages that you like and friends are featured in the new Facebook News Feed. If any of your friend updates their profiles and cover photos, a sidebar exists which includes search stories.
This new Facebook News Feed feature will also prompt you to include additional details in photos and albums that you previously uploaded. Under photos, no links will exist and neither will any status displayed.

4) Music

Posts from your favorite artists and any music that your friends may be listening to, form the posts in this section. Facebook will identify your favorite music by the pages that you have liked.

 New Facebook News Feed 3

5) Order and Decongestion of Facebook

The old version has all the unclassified posts, music and photos in one place. The new Facebook News Feed is organized and has collapsed so many posts shared by many people into one called the friends list.

6) Options to Mange Your Friends

New Facebook News Feed brings into the fore the number of friends who are in excess in Facebook. The Photos Feed and All Friends display updates from all your friends as opposed to the top news feed which was the characteristic of the previous Facebook design. In case you want to reduce the number of posts displayed on your News Feed, you can go to the friend’s name and make use of the friend’s button to uncheck.

Also SeeHow To Change Your Facebook Fan Page Name

 New Facebook News Feed 4

7) Switching to the Old Design

New Facebook News Feed gives the user an opportunity to return to his old design should he feel that the new design is not customer friendly or not as expected. According to experts, the options of switching will continue until the new design has reached the beta stages.

8) Privacy Settings
Read :- 
New Facebook Secret Tips and Tricks

The privacy settings for those familiar with the old version have not changed as yet. The only difference is that they can be accessed from a side bar next to your name. This prevents cluttering and ensures organization.
New Facebook News Feedback therefore seeks to bring a new dimension in the appearance and presentation of the Facebook interface. Whether this is going to go well with people or not is yet to be seen but from the onset, the rate at which people are appreciating it is amazing.

How Google Plus Is Useful For Blogging

Google plus is working just like oxygen for blogging business from last 1- 2 years. Every expert blogger is writing about advantages of Google plus for blogging and every new blogger want to know, how to get benefits from Google plus in getting success in Blogging Business. 
Most of the successful & famous bloggers says Google plus is the spinal cord for good future of any blog. You also have read at various blogs, but here I am going to describe in details in how many ways Google plus for blogging is must for and how many Adavantages of Google plus can be taken by bloggers.

 Google Plus for Blogging

There are many & many advantages of Google plus for blogging, but here we are going to discuss some top benefits.
1 – To Create Community 
Community is the biggest thing which is highly needed by the bloggers. In the field of blogging, it is very necessary for the bloggers to be keep in touch with other bloggers of at least same niche, If bloggers are in touch with other bloggers of other niches then this is the fantastic.
All this can happen when they create the community of the bloggers and now a days Google plus is the best place to develop a community in best way.
You just need to create a community and give it the related name to the community according to the purpose of developing it. And just start inviting peoples to join it.
In this way you and your blog will be noticed by the other bloggers and you will be able to make good relations with other bloggers. This Advantages of Google Plus for blogging related community development is very useful.
2 – To Get Free Direct Targeted Traffic
Traffic is the thing to get which every blogger do all possible efforts. And this goal can easily achievable with the help of Google plus.
Free traffic leads the all Advantages of Google Plus for blogging business. You just need to add more related peoples in your circles and say them to add you back in their circles.
Bloggers should share their every blog posts with their friends and in communities also to get free targeted traffic to their blogs. To get higher traffic from your every sharing try to be in maximum peoples circles which are related to you and your work.
By this strategy you will get huge traffic as an advantages of Google plus for blogging business.
3 – To Increase Search Engine Ranking
Higher search ranking with the help of Google plus is among major advantages of google plus for blogging. I personally feel and doing observation from long time on how Google plus helps the bloggers to get higher search ranking.
Some of my blog posts have less google pluses in numbers in starting & when ever number of Google pluses increases, search ranking of my blog posts also increases. This is my personal observation on search ranking of blog posts.
The main goal of seo is to get higher ranking and Google plus alone can help you to save your lot of time & money which you waste in seo. And automatic seo is also among great advantages of Google plus for blogging.
4 – To Show Bloggers Profile Photo ( Google Authorship ) in Search Engine 
Showing your identity in Google search with your profile photo can only be possible with the help of Google plus. Google plus helps the bloggers to create Google authorship by following some easy steps.
  1.  - Create about page in your blog or website.
  2.  - Add this about page in the contributor to section in your profile page.
  3.  - Go to Your WordPress profile, and add ( rel=”author” ) with URL of your Google plus profile.
This is also among top Advantages of Google plus for blogging business.
5 – To Make Your Brand Name with Google plus Page
Google plus page works just like Facebook page. Every blogger know the value of creating business pages in Social media sites.
Google plus pages gives same benefits of it. When ever bloggers share any blog posts in the Google plus pages they created, It shows in the front of all the peoples who did Plus or following this page.
Creating Google plus page with name of your blog or website or business make your blog branded, If your Google plus page has more pluses or followers on it, this shows your blog is more popular and great brand image in your niche.
All above mentioned advantages of Google plus for blogging are really good and effectively benefitial for bloggers. I have shared all advantages of Google plus for blogging according to my personal experience with Google plus.
If you really liked above advantages of google plus for blogging, please share it on social media sites, If you know some more advantages of Google plus for blogging, feel free to share in comments below. Thanks.

Tips to Improve Blog Writing Skills

Writing a good post should be like having an engaging conversation with someone. You want it to be personal, inviting, and enjoyable. It should be able to communicate your ideas effectively where you come off as reliable source of information. By developing and honing your writing you give yourself a unique voice. Here we are sharing some really effective tips which will help you to Improve blog writing skills to the next level from current position..

Tips to Improve Blog Writing Skills

All the below mentioned tips are very important. So Don’t Miss any one….
1 – Killer starting 
Your content from the starting of the first line must look very important to the readers, So they don’t leave your blog after reading 2 – 3 lines only.
Start your post with killer headline or killer paragraph which attract the readers attention from the first line. Killer starting of the blog post content will only force the readers to spend their more time on your blog.
2 – Make Command on the language 
Bloggers must be perfect in the language in which they are describing the content. Most of the bloggers in the world write in the english language.
I would like to suggest all bloggers to avoid gramatical mistakes in your blog posts. In the eyes of readers of your blog, you are the expert and as being an expert there is no space for any kind of language or gramatical mistakes.
3 – Research before Writing
Bloggers must do research on the topic on which they are going to start writing. For this you must know the topic and start doing research about that topic and start collecting maximum useful information about the topic.
If you will write the content of the blog post after great reasearch, then you will be able to share more useful information in the content of your blog posts. Research about the topic of the post is really helpful for bloggers to improve blog writing skills effectively.
4 – Be Descriptive 
Write in details about the topic. Do not write short content which can not explain the readers what you exactly want to describe in your post.
Step by step written long posts in parts of short paragraphs are most effective technique to describe your knowledge. This will definitely improve your blog writing skills to get more time of the readers on your written content.
5 – Write in Structure      
Your written content must be well structured to be clear for the readers.
What to do to write content in Structure ?
You can write structured content by following this…
Introduction : What is the topic ? What is the Question or Problem ?
Description : Discuss with the reader & describe your knowledge about the answer with the readers.
Conclusion or Results : Give the best final solution in the Summary to make satisfy your readers.
6 – Adopt your own Writing style
Do not copy other bloggers or writers style. I would like to suggest you to be original & write in your own style.
To improve your blog writing skills, Use of your own writing style is very important this will bring more regular readers.
7 – Be Practical
You must share real things, If you can share your own experiences about the topic then this will add more stars in your blog writing skills .
8 – Be in the Flow like Water
Bloggers should not mis lead the readers from the main topic, from starting to end bloggers must be in the flow in one direction.
For good blog writing skills it is very necessary to be focus only on the topic at the time of writing the post.
I have shared all factors in my knowledge to improve blog writing skills, I also apply some points to improve my blog writing skills. If you know some more tips to improve blog writing skills then please share in comments below.